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Click to see where else you'll find Anandwho else is at the football club?

'Why is it people think Asians don't play football?'

Megan: So what d'ya reckon of Ryan Giggs? I mean, you know he had the choice to play for England or Wales?

Anand: Well, I never knew that! You astound me with your incredible knowledge of footballing trivia!

Megan: Shut it, sarky! And here's another one - I bet you didn't know his father is originally from Trinidad!

Anand: What - so he's black?

Nat: Yeah, I heard that too. It was in a magazine - part of some project called 'kick racism out of football?'

Megan: Yeah. It's really good actually. Then there's another campaign - Show racism the red card. You should watch their video. It makes me feel safer going to matches. I feel the club's saying I belong there as well, y'know what I mean?

Nat: John Barnes and Les Ferdinand still get a lot of abuse from fans.

Anand: What about Asian players? Y'know there are hundreds of really excellent Asian footballers out there, they rarely get picked by the League sides. I reckon it's because people think 'Oh, Asians, they're good at cricket....'

Nat: Haven't they got their own league?

Anand: Yep, with purely Asian teams, totally separate to the League. That way the talented players get some chance to show their skills.

Megan: Well, they're still being cheated by a system that's supposed to be's not like they're not good enough....