'Sol Campbell is the best defender in the world. End of story.'
Megan: Campbell was definitely one of England's World Cup stars. No question about it - of course along with Owen.
Nat: I tell you, Ferdinand, Cole, Campbell, Ince, Wright and others have proved the doubters wrong, haven't they?
Anand: It's gotta be better than it was for black footballers then?
Megan: It must make you really sick, if you've gone all the way up in football, you run rings round people, and managers and players think you're not up to it..
Nat: What about players saying things to each other? There was that whole thing between Ian Wright and what's-his-name?
Anand: ...And there's the crowds.
Nat: Football crowds are a good place for racist groups to do their leafleting - I've seen them.
Megan: It's a bit sick that the most famous case of racial abuse was when Eric Cantona lashed out at a fan who was slagging him off for being French - I mean, he's not even black!
Anand: At least some clubs try to stop them these days though. And they go for people who start racist chants.
Megan: It's so sick. Those people who throw bananas on the pitch and make monkey noises.
Nat: How about 'Our black *****s are better than yours'. Have you heard that one? It's meant to be a compliment!
Megan: It's really up to the clubs though, don't you think? I mean, they can ban racist supporters and, like set an example. Some do...