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My holy book

Usually there aren't many pictures or decorations, though there are sometimes paintings of our 10 gurus, like some Christian churches have saints and most gurudwaras I've been to have got coloured streamers and lights.

Our holy book (it's called the Guru Granth Sahib) has to be treated very respectfully. Every gurudwara has a copy of the Guru Granth Sahib in a special place of honour under a little roof or canopy - it's the holiest place in a gurudwara, like an altar in a Christian church. The book is mostly written in old Punjabi, and some of it is read during ceremonies, though it's always covered up when it's not being read. The prayers are in Punjabi we can understand, though sometimes the person leading the ceremony talks in English. The ceremonies usually have some music and some singing, and they're not very formal - children usually just get up and wander around.

Usually men sit at one side and women on the other, so they don't distract each other. But there aren't any special places for particular people, no-one is supposed to be more important than anyone else.