'I'm confused'
Megan: So look,
shall I buy this top or not?
Dani: In what
Megan: Oh I dunno.
I can't decide...
Anand: Well, I vote
for blue. It goes well with your skin colour.
Tzu Lee: Coloured?
Who - what?
Anand: No, I didn't
Tzu Lee: I mean,
what is 'coloured' anyway? It's sort of ducking the
issue isn't it? I mean, we're not green or red are we...
Dani: Well I say be
and be happy. Like, in the past people were kind of
ashamed of themselves. My gran told me she used to buy
cream that was meant to make her skin go lighter. They
used to have their hair straightened too, or wear wigs,
so they didn't look so Afro....
Anand: But now,
black is beautiful, right?
Dani: Right.
Megan: Okay, but
how come you don't call yourself black, Anand? You could
get racist hassle as easily as me.
Anand: It's just
not something Asian people go for all that much. I mean,
loads of Asian kids do call themselves black 'cos we all
get some racism. But black is more of an African thing,
an American thing, and y'know, our history is different.
Tzu Lee: Not to
mention our history. I could get racist hassles too, but
it wouldn't make much sense to most people if I called
myself 'black'. I just call myself Chinese.
Megan: I dunno. It
doesn't make sense. I'm a coloured girl. I'm a black
girl. I'm a black girl. I suppose I could get used to
Shop assistant (black young
woman): You'd better mate, you're not going
to get any whiter! Americans have a way out of all this
- 'people of colour'.
Megan: But why is
that any different from saying 'coloured'?
Shop assistant:
Because we chose it. 'Coloured' was a word white people
used for us because they felt more comfortable with it,
since they thought 'black' meant bad and evil. Are you
buying that top, or what?
Megan: But that's
America isn't it? Things aren't the same here. I'm
