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'Something personal about me'

I remember we were having this discussion in RE once, about name-calling. People were going on about what names black people and Indians get called, and someone said that saying something like 'going to the Paki shop' was okay, because it was just short for 'Pakistani'. Then someone else said it was just like saying 'I'm going to the Chinky restaurant'. I hadn't said anything up to then, but I really laid into him, y'know. I said no-one Chinese called themselves that, and we thought it was a real insult, and he'd better not call me Chinky.

The teacher said it was good that people spoke up and heard each others' opinions, and all that. Trouble is, this git knew how to get me mad now, didn't he? He and his mates would say it quietly when they passed, but just loud enough for me to hear. Then they'd go on about 'a chink of light is showing' and stuff like that. It went on for a year, can you believe that, before they got bored?