'David gets mixed up'
Anand: Oi we'd better watch out - if those police over there get bored we'll probably get ourselves nicked or something!
David: That's not fair. I think the police have a difficult job. I used to want to be one but I'm not sure now - I couldn't take all that hassle and people putting you down all the time.
Anand: What hassle?
David: Well, a lot of people say they hassle black kids more than they should, and a lot of people say they don't protect Asian people and black people enough from being attacked by racists.
Anand: There are racists in the police, it's been proved, some have even been suspended for it. If you're in the police you have to be able to help everyone whatever their colour.
David: But maybe black kids commit more crime. Maybe that's why the police go for them.
Nat: You can't say that. I've never committed any crime but people think just because I'm black I must be a criminal.... And anyway, who says black people commit more crime?
David: But I know someone who was stopped by the police and he's a right villain. It's like teachers.... They're not going to come into a class and say 'Right Mumtaz, what have you been up to?' They're going to be suspicious of someone who's usually in trouble.
Nat: But the police don't know you from Adam do they? So how do they know whether to stop you or not? I tell you man, they stop you more if you're black. How do you think that feels?
Anand: I'm not against the police or anything, but I reckon they should take attacks on people like us more seriously and not hassle black kids just because they're black. It just makes everything worse and then no-one trusts anyone.