'Argument in the shopping mall'
Nat: Come on, let's go. I'm bored.
David: Oh hang on a minute longer - I'm cream crackered
Security guard: Okay you three, are you going to sit here all day ?
Anand: Why? Is there a law against it then?
Security guard: Oh, going to be a lawyer are we? Well, for your information there is a bylaw which says loitering in this shopping precinct is not allowed.
Anand: So what are the benches for then, if people aren't allowed to sit on them?
Security guard: They're for shoppers to have a rest, smartass, ...and children to eat their ice creams, people to meet each other, and older ladies to put their bags down for a minute. They weren't put there for youths to sit on all day.
Anand: Look, number one, we're shoppers having a rest, so number two, we aren't loitering. number three, why don't you get off our case and go and get in the way of some ram-raiders or something useful.
Security guard: I bet you don't talk to your parents like that. I thought your lot were supposed to be respectful to adults.
Anand: Yeah, well I thought your lot were supposed to help the public, not hassle them when all they're doing is sitting on a public bench.
Security guard: I'll be back in fifteen minutes, sunshine. I expect that'll be a long enough rest for you. It's not as if I can see loads of heavy shopping bags. You don't do your Mum's shopping for her then?
Anand: If I was your Mum I wouldn't trust you to buy a can of cat food. Mind you, I might give it to you for your dinner
David: Well, that told him. God, what's up with our usual easy-going Anand?
Anand: I dunno, I'm just in a bad mood today.
Nat: I wanted to leave soon anyway. Did you notice the way he said 'your lot' meaning Asians. 'You're all supposed to be respectful to your elders.'
David: If he thinks that about Asians, what d'you reckon he thinks about black kids?
Nat: Well, I wonder! There's no way he'd have taken what Anand said to him from me. I bet you anything he'd have moved us on and probably have radioed the others about a 'suspicious black youth'.