'What's the big deal with all this marriage stuff?'
Anand: So, Mumtaz, what's the deal with you and David these days?
Mumtaz: What...you're such a wind-up merchant. Don't think I don't know all about you.
Anand: What?
Mumtaz: Meg...Meg...Meg...Megan!!!! Wedding bells, kids and a house in the country comin' your way!
Anand: Get lost 'Taz.
Mumtaz: But seriously though, what would your folks do if you said you wanted to sort out your own marriage?
Anand: Well, with my family an arranged marriage is not like it used to be - with you only meeting your partner on the wedding day. Like now, my parents would show me photos and I could choose who I'd like to meet.... or I can say I don't fancy any of them, like my big sister keeps doing.
Bal: Lucky her...
Anand: Then I might decide to meet one or two, and if I like them I might meet again, and if the parents and everyone get on okay you might start thinking 'Okay, she might be the one'.
Mumtaz: But what if you said, like, 'I fancy Megan' - just as an example, of course!
Anand: Well, that would be difficult - I wouldn't be allowed out on my own with her or anything like that.
Mumtaz: So - you would like to then?
Anand: Never give up, do you? Listen, some people arrange parties where young people looking for partners go (with their parents), some people put ads in the papers, and there are matchmakers that some people go to.
Bal: Yeah, but I bet it's still different for the guys. I bet they have more freedom than the girls do.
Mumtaz: Y'know, with us Pakistanis it's usually someone we're related to that we marry. Islam says we can marry 'people of the book', which means Christians and Jews, but it doesn't really happen with us, well, Pakistanis anyway, I dunno about other Muslims.
Danielle: Well I dunno what to say. It seems really terrible that Balvinder hates the idea, and I know it doesn't bother you, Mumtaz, but it's really hard to picture myself going along with it the way you do.
Mumtaz: I think you have to see it as something different. When you say 'marriage' you have an idea of what marriage is in your head. In my head it's something different.