'I wonder if Mumtaz really knows how much I fancy her?'
Tzu Lee: So, when we go to the disco tonight are you gonna ask her to dance or what?
Mumtaz: No he's not. You know my folks would freak. Anyway I'm not staying for long.
David: Not just yours. I had a real go at my Mum the other day. It's not like she's a really keen Jew or anything, but she was saying all this stuff about Muslims.
Mumtaz: So how do they like you and me being mates then?
David: Oh, it's that old thing, y'know, it's different, she's nice, we know her.
Tzu Lee: Maybe we should have a big party when we leave school, and make all our parents come!
Mumtaz: No way. I don't want them seeing me dancing with David.
Tzu Lee: So do we have something going on here or what? Are you going to admit you fancy him?
Mumtaz: That's for me to know and you to lie awake at night thinking about, isn't it?
Tzu Lee: What do you have to say about this then David?
David: We're really deeply in love, but doomed, like Romeo and Juliet, but it's a secret. Oops, it's slipped out...
Tzu Lee: Yeah but really?
Mumtaz: We're just friends, okay. You know I wouldn't really go out with someone, like, even if I did think he's nice. I mean, it's not the way I've been brought up.
Tzu Lee: Ah! So you do think he's nice?
Mumtaz: You're being really nosy all of a sudden. What about you and Nat then?
John: Yeah! Look at her blush!
Tzu Lee: Shut up. So, what if I do just happen to think he's gorgeous?
Mumtaz: Does he know?
Tzu Lee: Well of course he knows! And anyway, we've been friends for ages.
Mumtaz: But there's friends, and y'know, friends...
Tzu Lee: Okay, so we're friends, 'specially when we're round his house and there's no-one in.
David: What do your parents think then? I thought you said they didn't like black people?
Tzu Lee: Well they don't exactly know, do they? It's a bit like what you said about your Mum and Dad - they know Nat so they think he's all right. Mind you, I wouldn't snog Nat or anything when they're around...
David: But it sucks doesn't it? Suppose you and Nat end up as, really, y'know, together...
Mumtaz: Oh oh...David the matchmaker!
David: Taz, I'm trying to be serious here so don't mess about, okay? If Tzu Lee and Nat really got together they'd have to keep it from her parents at least. I mean, just suppose you and me really wanted to be together, right? My Mum would go ballistic, just 'cos you're a Muslim.
Tzu Lee: And my parents can't claim that religion is the problem. Yeah, I dunno what I'd do, 'cept I know I wouldn't give someone up just because he wasn't Chinese, no way.
Tzu Lee txt 2 Nat: CW2CU : - *
Nat txt 2 Tzu Lee: GMTA oxoxox