'Too many immigrants'
Girl on bus: ...and you know, my uncle's got new neighbours, but they're from somewhere - I dunno, India or somewhere. They speak some funny language don't they? He says there's too many of them...
Tzu Lee: Hang on a minute, but would it be okay if one in every ten people in your street was black or brown?
Girl on bus: Er, yes, of course, I'm not like that...
Nat: But what about five in every ten?
Girl: What do you want me to say? It's not fair, you're making me out to be really racist, but I bet your Dad wouldn't like it if the
Caribbean was white would he? It's just that I reckon things would change too much... too fast.
Nat: And what does that mean?
Girl: Well, like my gran goes on about how everything on TV is American.... And with McDonalds and that... and Americans aren't really even living here.
Balvinder: What have McDonalds got to do with it?
Girl: Don't hassle me, all right. I'm just saying that to my gran, McDonalds and American TV is like a different culture, and some people would think that Sikhs and other people are a different culture, wouldn't they...?
Tzu Lee: I'm not trying to hassle you. It's not going to happen anyway, whites are always going to be the majority.
Girl: You don't know that. Lots more could still come and sort of take over...
Tzu Lee: God, you don't half spout some rubbish. I don't mean to put down your family or anything, but this uncle of yours has been getting at you again hasn't he? The expert on all of this because he used to live near Brixton?
Girl: He just says we have to be careful about jobs and that.
Nat: That's really out of order though innit? My parents were born here in 1960 I bet your uncle wasn't even born then. My parents have just as much right to work as he has.
Girl: But what about someone who comes here from Jamaica now? With all this unemployment, why should they get a job?
Nat: Yeah but nobody comes from Jamaica any more do they? The government don't need people to work anymore so they don't let them in.
Girl: They could still come for the social security though couldn't they?
Tzu Lee: No.
Girl: How come?
Tzu Lee: Because for ages you haven't been able to get into the country unless you've got close family here or you've got a job. You can't just jump on a plane, fly here, and walk out of Heathrow Airport and sign on.
Balvinder: It's true, that. When my aunt visits us she has to get a visa. She's spent hours at the airport while they check up on her, and my Mum has to sign things saying she won't stay too long. She'd never even get into the country if it wasn't for her, and she wouldn't dare stay past her visa.