'Sometimes people forget my family were immigrants too'
Balvinder: My aunt's coming over to see us soon. I hope she doesn't get hassle at the airport again - and people go on about it being too easy to get in!
Tzu Lee: Oh God, yeah. You see it on the news sometimes that some men are hidden under the bottom of a van or something, but that just proves it doesn't it? If you could just get into the country easily why would anyone want to smuggle themselves in the bottom of some manky van?
Girl: They come to sign on the social.
Balvinder: Look, maybe work isn't your favourite thing, but I bet you don't know anyone who is unemployed and likes it...
Girl: Not personally, no, but I bet there are some...
Balvinder: Yeah but don't be awkward. I know you, you'd hate it if you had nothing to do all day, just about enough money to live on and no chance of a job. I can't see you going to the other side of the world to do it...
Girl: So what's your point?
Balvinder: People don't just move to another country half way across the world unless there is work for them. Most people don't want to sit around all day doing nothing. Most people hate it, it doesn't change just because your skin is a different colour....
Girl: So you do agree there aren't enough jobs for everyone?
Balvinder: a) I've got as much right to a job as you have because I'm British same as you;
b) my family have got as much right as yours to a job because they've lived here for years, they came when the country needed workers and they've always paid their taxes;
and c) there's no way a few handfuls of illegal immigrants who get past the police cause unemployment.
Nat: The thing is, the only reason me, Bal and Tzu Lee are here is because our parents came over here....
Tzu Lee: ...my grandparents actually...
David: ...and mine....
Nat: Ok sorry,.... because their parents or grandparents came over here when they were needed because there weren't enough workers. How many came was to do with how much work there was, that's all.
Balvinder: But that's nothing to do with it really, cos it's me that's going to be looking for a job in a few years' time. If I get a job that you want, too bad, it'll be because I'm better than you are...
David: So anyway, how many people are there with a different culture and that...?