'Some people are just so ignorant...'
Adult passenger: ..everywhere..immigration..jobs..shouldn't be in the country..
Tzu Lee: Doesn't it get on your nerves the way loads of people talk as if Britain is overcrowded with people of a different colour?
Balvinder: Yep. That means you and me mate. I try not to think about it all that much though, I mean, there's nothing I can do about it.
Nat: ...gotta be careful though. We'd better not have any kids or all the white people will fall into the sea. They'll have to put up a notice at the airports - sorry, standing room only!
Boy on bus: I don't mean to be racist or anything, but there are a lot of different colour people in the country... I mean, it might happen that there are too many...
Tzu Lee: But what does 'too many' mean?
Boy: Look, it's not, y'know, personal. I don't think there are too many black people at this school, it's just that, well, it would be funny if Britain wasn't a white country any more....
Girl on bus: That's fair enough. I don't see why white people can't say they'd prefer the country to be mainly white.... I mean, white people ruled Hong Kong and India for a long time, but they got chucked out, didn't they? People thought they didn't really belong...
Tzu Lee: So you feel more comfortable with the idea of Britain being mostly white?
Girl: Well, yes, I guess so, what's wrong with that?
Tzu Lee: I dunno, maybe nothing, but....
Nat: What does overcrowded mean? Is a handful of footballers and pop singers okay, but anyone else not okay?