'Dr Dre and Grandmaster Flash are the godfathers of modern music'
Dani: What are you on about? They are so crap, they just copy everyone else...
Anand: That's such rubbish!. They single-handedly transformed hip hop and popular music, and they take stuff from so many different styles, y'know, jazz, funk, classical, blues, reggae...
Dani: So you haven't heard of a guy called Jackson?
Anand: You what...Michael Jackson is popular with John nobody. Dr Dre and Grandmaster Flash has influenced loads of musicians and singers ...
DJ Mac: Yeah but no-one's completely original, y'know. They've all had influences of their own. I wouldn't like to say who's better - but they all had a big influence. But then so have loads of others...
Dani: I don't see anyone who's made a bigger contribution than Michael.
DJ Mac: Oh well, there's the Beatles, the Stones, the Beach Boys, Kate Bush, Queen, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Elton John, Mozart, Beethoven, Bob Marley, to name but a few. And there's a whole slew of people from around the world that have had a big influence too...
Anand: I thought you were just into the dance stuff and R & B?
DJ Mac: My dad once told me never to judge a book by its cover, I sort of took it to heart a little too much in terms of music and decided to give anything and everything a go! So, yeah I'm into all sorts...