'Nat don't half spout some rubbish'
Nat: ...Listen to the top ten - it's all Black acts and that. Black people are just naturally good at music.....
Mumtaz: That's rubbish! You're saying all black people can play something - give a black kid an instrument and they'll just play it.. yeah yeah, very convincing.
Nat: Not necessarily play something, we just have a feel for music, like, and white people haven't.
Dani: Are we talking dancing here? Are you saying it's only black people that can really dance?
Nat: No I'm not talking about dancing, I'm talking about music.
Dani: A lot of Welsh people sing. Is that some other natural talent then?
Nat: Well, er...
Mumtaz: And what sort of music? Can you just naturally play the drums? Have you got those African rhythms in your blood? I don't see a lot of black people in posh orchestras playing violins. I suppose that proves it does it.. ?
Nat: Yeah but look at all the bands black people are in. The Charts would be nothing without black people.
Mumtaz: But you can't be naturally good at some kinds of music and not others - that's what racists say: 'Black people are good at simple stuff like pop music, but whites are good at difficult stuff like Beethoven'. It can't be right.
Dani: Listen, some people say Beethoven had black roots. Anyway, I reckon music is to do with the way you're brought up.
Mumtaz: Yeah, I bet if you took a white baby and brought her up in a black family that was really into black music the baby would grow up really into reggae and rap and all of that....
Dani: Same as if you took, like a Pakistani baby, and gave her to a white family that was always going to operas....
Mumtaz: White people don't all go to operas!
Dani: I mean, suppose you had a white family that really liked some kind of music - and you give them a Pakistani baby, the baby would grow up liking that kind of music.......
Mumtaz: Yeah. I don't necessarily like Pakistani songs just because I've got brown skin.
Dani: Mind you though, I hate heavy metal, always have always will. Is that prejudice or is it in my black genes?