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Are racist jokes funny? NO!!!

'Ere She Said - Gita Bedi, Hansib Publishing

'Ere she said,
Her fag hanging out of her mouth,
Dropping both ash and H's.
'Ere she said,
Was you born 'ere?
Only you speak very good English
Where d'ya come from then?
Only askin' 'cos what's 'er name come from there
But she ain't your colouring,
She's darker, much darker
Than you.
And do ya eat food - like what we do?
Y'know, red meat and Yorkshire Pud?
Only what's 'er name says she don't.
She eats - what d'ya call 'em -
Balls of dough, fried like dumplings.
'Ere she said. Listen to this.
I've bin wif out 'eat for five weeks,
Just bin onto the Council
But the man said he couldn't unnerstan' me.
Didn't unnerstan' me accent.
Bleeding Asian weren't he.
Sorry... didn't mean you.
I mean you're not like the rest of 'em.
Are you?'

Do you want the people you know to remember the words of their enemies or the silence of their friends?
Martin Luther King Jr

Here's some things you might think about doing. Please make a promise and see if you can keep it...

  • Sometimes people don't realise their jokes make others feel uncomfortable. If I don't tell people that they are being offensive, they may never know! 
  • Do I find myself disagreeing with racist jokes but laughing anyway? I will remember that it's just as cool not to go with the crowd. I'll be myself!!