'Big Ears'
Mumtaz: Oh cool, they do cheesy rarebit here. Isn't that s'posed to be Welsh Meg?
Megan: Yeah yeah, and before you go on, so are leeks.
Mumtaz: Hang on, I didn't say anything!
Megan: Sorry. I didn't mean to have a go at you. But sometimes it really gets to me that all people ever say about Welsh people is that they supposedly eat leeks, like sheep, go down mines and talk in a way that's supposed to be funny.
Mumtaz: I know what you mean. We visited relatives in Ireland last year..... all I'd ever heard about Ireland was the IRA and jokes about Irish people being thick.
Megan: If you've never met an Irish person you could believe the jokes couldn't you?
Mumtaz: Yeah, just like if you've never met a Pakistani you would think they all talk in a funny accent and run a corner shop and have loads of kids.
Megan: But have you heard the one about the Englishman with the big ears?
John: Oh yes, what's this then? It's okay to take the **** out of me is it, just because I'm white?
Megan: No, not because you're white, it's because you're, like the majority. You're the main group so jokes can't harm you so much. I mean, there's no point in me making jokes about the way English people speak is there?
John: I don't know about that. It wouldn't feel very nice if I was the only English kid. Hang on, what am I saying?
Megan: Well, look, it's about the power to make people feel uncomfortable I guess.
John: What, so like it's one thing for kids to make jokes about teachers, 'cos they've got all the power and we're just trying to knock them down a bit. It's really out of order if they made jokes to put us down though, 'cos they can put us down enough as it is.
Mumtaz: So, Megan, there was this Englishman with big ears.....?
Megan: Actually, there's no such joke, I was just checking you out.
John: Hmmm.