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What we do at chapel

In all the ones I've been in there are rows of seats and a place where the minister stands, and a place where the Bible is read, and a pulpit that's a bit raised up, and the minister gives his weekly talk - the sermon - from there.

I know the altar in some other kinds of Christian churches is made of marble, but in a Methodist chapel it's usually just a wooden table and it's called the Lord's table.

The services are quite formal I suppose you could say, but very friendly at the same time. The minister seems to try to talk in just an ordinary way, not in old-fashioned language or anything. He or she doesn't wear any special robes. There are hymns (Methodism is supposed to be well-known for having good tunes to sing to), readings from the Bible, prayers, and a sermon. The sermon's meant to be a really big thing that you should listen to.