'Something personal about me'
I was in year 7 and some other kids just thought it was funny to call me names and keep going on about the jungle. I didn't take any notice at first. My Mum says people like that are just ignorant and we have to carry on and ignore them. But it got worse, so whenever they saw me they said things and made stupid noises, and some other kids copied them. They could see I didn't like it even though I didn't say anything. After a while they hung about where I go home from school and followed me shouting. They didn't hit me or anything, but I never knew if they were going to grab me or get my bag or something like that. They followed me onto a bus once and called me things all the way, nobody else on the bus said anything, or told them to shut up.
I know other kids get bullied, I'm not saying I'm anything special or nothing. The only thing is that when I get called a name it isn't just me they're insulting. The names they call me they also call my Mum and my Gran, and my cousin gets called them at work. One time it got too much and I just turned and shouted all the swear words I knew at them. I was so mad I didn't care what I said, but one of the teachers heard and gave me this big lecture for swearing. I tried to explain that their words made me feel sick, but she didn't understand.