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'Something personal about me'

I really don't like telling this story. Me and John were walking home after we'd been in a music thing at school - it was last year - and these blokes started following us. They were about 17 I suppose, anyway they were much bigger than us and there were about eight of them.

You could tell something was going to happen but you don't know what, do you? If we'd known we'd have ran like hell straight away. But suddenly they started running and caught us up and pinned us into a shop doorway.

They were saying all this racist stuff, they just went on and on about it, and going on at John about why he didn't stick to his own kind. One of them started hitting us then, and then they all started. After a while I think they mostly held John, but they got me onto the ground and just kicked and kicked. I had concussion, a cracked rib and something done to my kneecap that they can't fix. It could have been worse, I don't think they cared, but they ran off when a load of women came out of a pub. No-one ever got caught.