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'All this 'black people are better at sport' really gets on my wick'

Mumtaz: Oh, did you check out Tiger Woods on telly yesterday?

Nat: Yeah - he's God. But he's an exception to the rule, innit. Like, golf isn't exactly where you expect to see black faces winning, is it?

Mumtaz: He's only an exception because he broke into a white man's sport and won. And also, Mr Nat sporting expert, what about Arthur Ashe? He's black and he won Wimbledon 20 years ago.

Nat: er....

Nat: Yeah but black people are just better built for speed - I mean look at all those athletes.

Danielle:: Yeah look at them: like when you have the 100 metres line up in big international athletics championships. They're all black but they're all completely different shapes!

Mumtaz: Maybe you think Tiger Woods has made it in golf because he's only half black? Maybe if Linford Christie was paler he'd run more slowly. It's just like Hitler. He said Jews were a different species and should be treated differently.

Danielle: Black people have made it at sports that don't need much money, like boxing and basketball and .... running. White people are still on top in sports where you need a swimming pool....

Mumtaz: ....or a golf course, or a racing car, or a grass tennis court. People like Venus Williams to get past some stupid people who think like you do and reckon it's not worth someone black even learning. Do me a favour, get with the programme. Next thing you'll be saying black people can't have blood transfusions from whites....

Danielle: You say that, but my Mum's a nurse, and she says people sometimes ask in hospital "I hope this blood isn't from a black person."

Mumtaz: So what does she say?

Danielle: She tells patients that lots of black and white people have the same type of blood. But once she was so mad she said "Well you can have my blood and live, or you can have this white nurse's and it will kill you."