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'I tell Mumtaz a thing or two...'

Nat: I can't wait to check out that new super-water chute. The Space Invader, they call it!

Mumtaz: You're a pretty good swimmer aren't you Nat?

Nat: Well, I don't sink, if that's what you mean.

John: Yeah, but think about it, right, who's ever heard of a really good black swimmer?

Nat: African from Namibia, 1996 Olympic medal for swimming. Next question? And we just mash you up in basketball. You just can't argue with that. Black people are just the best.

Mumtaz: It can't be true, Nat. How come there are no black racing drivers?

Nat: What can't be true? Are you saying white people are just as good at basketball?

Mumtaz: I'm just saying it can't be true that just because you've got black skin you can run faster, or you can jump higher!

Nat: Why can't it be true? It's obvious, anyone can see it.