'I wonder what people really think about race?'
John: Did you hear those blokes saying stuff about Pakistanis at the bus stop earlier?
David: No! Why didn't you say something?
John: I dunno. It's not that simple is it?
David: Yeah. Y'know, my Mum reckons most people are, y'know prejudiced about Asians and black people and that.
John: I think more people maybe don't like Asians, but I dunno... I mean, people go on about them being different, and they don't go on about that so much with blacks do they?
David: No, but then they go on about blacks being muggers don't they...
John: ...But I wonder if your Mum's right, I mean that most people are prejudiced...
David: She says she goes on what she hears. Being Jewish but without people really knowing, she hears things about Jews being mean, and having lots of money.
Tzu Lee: That must be really humiliating.
David: She hears worse things about black people and Asian people, things they would never say to your face.
John: Yeah, everybody's got something to say haven't they? There's always something about...'Oh there's too many of them in the country'... 'or they take people's jobs'....
David: ...and 'they all sign on and live off the state', that's what our neighbour's always on about, when he's not banging on about the crime rate....
Tzu Lee: ...or 'they shouldn't stick to their own ways', don't forget that one.
David: But what do they really think? I mean, do you think most people sort of think those things and just don't talk about it much, or do they really not mind?
John: Dunno. Anyway, why are you all steamed up about it all of a sudden?
David: Well, it was something else my Mum said, about people not really liking Jews. I mean loads of kids at school don't even know I'm Jewish, but it's spooky knowing people might be against you if they knew what you really were.