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'Sometimes I think it's really hard to speak out'

David: It's really weird for me sometimes, like I feel like I can't say anything if someone says stuff about Jews, even though I'm Jewish. Like I've got a chip on my shoulder or something. But usually I don't hear it really.

John: Neither do I, to be honest - I guess people know we're mates. What do you reckon Tzu Lee? If people are going to say things you're going to hear them more than me, since me and David go around together....

Tzu Lee: I don't hear anything about David in particular, but, yeah, I do reckon people have bad ideas about Jews. But it's all mixed up, 'cos they know about the Nazis trying to wipe out the Jews and everything.

John: I reckon it's nothing to what people say about black and Asian people. It's not just about jobs and that, there's stuff about blacks being primitive, and needing civilising, and not as brainy as white people....

Tzu Lee: I dunno how many people still believe it, but it really gets up my nose when they go on about Britain ruling other places as if they couldn't rule themselves. I mean, when Britain ruled Hong Kong, they didn't even give the Chinese people the vote. My Gran says when she was a girl there was a park with a notice saying 'No dogs or Chinese'.

David: Sounds like the Nazis with the Jews.

Fixit computer engineer: It's all right for people your age, you've grown up with all different kinds. But a lot of us older folk aren't used to it. I've seen the whole area I live in change.

John: What do you mean?

Computer engineer: Well, like a place I went to church in as a boy is some kind of funny temple now. It doesn't feel right.

John: It's only a temple because people stopped using it as a church. Whose fault is that?

Computer engineer: Well, it wasn't mine! And there are all these shops.

Tzu Lee: And Chinese takeaways I suppose? Who do you think our customers are? How come we get the blame for English people's taste in food? I bet you don't object to home delivery pizzas as well, but I don't suppose you had those when you were young either?

Computer engineer: There's no need to be like that. You're not giving a very good impression of your race, if I may say so...

Tzu Lee: I'm not trying to actually. Why do you treat me as if I represent all Chinese people? I wouldn't judge all white people by what you say.

Computer engineer: Well, perhaps you should. Perhaps there are more people like me than you think. It's no use pretending. You can call it prejudice if you like, but I think most white people would give a job to someone of their own kind if they could... it's only natural. Well, I?ve finished this job, I?d better go