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'I really screwed up...'

Tzu Lee: Gizza a crisp John.

John: So sorry, there're almost finished.

Tzu Lee: Jew. ...Oh sh**. Sorry David. Oh God, I just didn't think.

David: I'll remember that next time I go to the Chinky takeaway. It's okay Tzu Lee, I mean I know you don't think that way about Jews. I mean me and Taz get on really well, right, but I still have loads of ideas about Muslims.

John: You say that, but whenever people talk about racism it's always as if it's only white people that are racist.

David: Er, John, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm white, actually.

John: Yeah yeah, I mean it's as if people who aren't in minorities are the racist ones.

Tzu Lee: Rubbish, though, isn't it. I don't think my parents like black people much.

Mumtaz: Mine neither. If I came home with Dani, even if she was a Muslim, they wouldn't like it.

John: I still reckon it's white people who get most of the stick about it.

Tzu Lee: Oh poor old you.

Mumtaz: Yeah, but it's not you that's made to feel the outsider is it? I mean, you can just walk down the street and not get hassled can't you?

John: You don't know that. It depends where. There are probably places where I'd feel, y'know, nervous if I was the only white kid there....

Tzu Lee: It's not just that. It's things like what I said just now, calling John a Jew because he wouldn't give me a crisp. There aren't words like that, to put down the majority, not really.

John: Yeah, I do know what you mean. It's like, when I was talking to David's Granddad... He didn't like the Nazis much for what they did to the Jews, but that's not like the way the Nazis hated the Jews... It's just not the same thing.

Mumtaz: But with jobs and that, I mean whites just have more power than Asians and blacks to turn people away, don't they?

Tzu Lee: Yeah but we could be, like, racist to a white person if we were a boss or something....

Mumtaz: ...But we don't get the chance so often, do we, so it's usually people like us that get discriminated against.

David: I think it's like John said. The more powerful you are - like the Nazis were - the more your racism counts. Loads of people can have that stereotype about Jews being mean because we're not, y'know, the main group in the country.

Mumtaz: And look, I'm not saying my parents don't have any prejudices, or that Pakistanis are, kind of, better people than anyone else. But it's not Pakistanis who make the immigration laws, is it?