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Food is really all bound up with our religion. There are lots of really complicated rules, like you have to eat with your right hand, you mustn't let other people's food touch yours, and the big big no-no is beef, 'cos the cow is like a sacred animal to us. (It's really amazing in India, my Dad says cows just walk about wherever they want, and cars have to get out of the way. If one walks onto a railway the train has to stop!)

Some Hindus don't eat any animal products at all, not even eggs. There are some days of the week where we can't eat some things (like eggs on Tuesdays) and we often have fasts or special days when we can only eat certain things.

We aren't supposed to drink alcohol or anything. My Mum says the place in India where she and Dad come from doesn't allow alcohol to be sold anywhere, but I don't know if that's still true. It was when she was little, anyway.

I try to stick to our rules about what things we shouldn't eat, but it's no big deal. I can eat most things that people I know who aren't Hindus can eat - though I've never had a burger! (Which I don't mind - at least I won't get mad cow disease!) My Dad eats all kinds of food - I think his favourite is chicken tortilla.

Go into town with Anand