I'm John's Dad. I've always lived here in this town, or very nearby, so I consider myself a real local. I've seen the town change a lot, but mostly for the better. There are better shops than there used to be for one thing, and with a new Japanese factory opening there are better job chances for young people now.
I've always had a job, apart from a few months unemployed when John was a baby. Most of the time I've worked for a French company that makes drugs and other stuff for hospitals.
With all the different languages and things at John's school I feel like I should say something about all the different cultures, but I don't know much about it, really. I got to know John's friend Nat's family when they were both beaten up, and I've worked with some
coloured people, Indian I think they were, and there wasn't any problem. I don't think they had any trouble from other people at the factory, and they got on all right promotion-wise.
Some people go on about immigration and everything, but I suppose I'd be out of a job if it wasn't for immigrants. I mean, my boss is French... I was thinking the other day .... it's funny how people used to go on about the Japanese because of the war, but now they're really happy to go and work for this new Japanese firm that's opening up here....