visit John's house visit Megan's house visit Nat's house visit Taz's house visit David's house visit Bal's house visit Anand's house visit Dani's house visit Tzu-Lee's house
Britkid Home



My wife and I were born in Scotland. Her parents and mine were refugees from the Nazis because they were Jews. My parents escaped from Austria, my wife's from Germany. We have uncles and aunts and other relations we have never seen, because they didn't escape and they died in concentration camps.

My father told me where he used to live in Austria - the Nazis just took all Jewish people's houses in the end and gave them to other people. I went to look at the house once, but it didn't mean anything to me. He's never been able to go back - he says there are too many ghosts, too many sad memories. He has always felt grateful to Britain for taking him in. I think refugees must often feel like that, even though life can be hard for them in their new country. I don't feel the same way, I mean I don't feel grateful, since I was born here.

I feel Scottish, not Austrian, and certainly not English, though I've lived in England since before David was born. I also feel Jewish, but being a Jew has nothing to do with where you're born - like being a Christian doesn't.

Go into town with David