I only speak English, like most British people I suppose. My Grandparents all speak German, and they usually speak in German when they're all together. I suppose it reminds them of where they used to live and everything.
They also know this language called Yiddish, which is like a mixture of different languages and used to be spoken by Jews in Europe. There are a few expressions they always say in Yiddish, and some words like for food, which we all use.
The language Jews use for their religion is Hebrew, and both my Grandads know a bit of it. I suppose everybody Jewish knows the word 'Shalom' which means 'peace'. Jewish people often use it to say hello or goodbye.
My Mum and Dad had some Hebrew lessons when they were younger, but not so they can speak it or anything. They also speak German pretty well, 'cos both their parents spoke it a lot to them. I understand it quite a lot, but I wouldn't say I can speak it fluently or anything.
When the whole family is together we speak in English, though my grandparents natter away to each other in German.