I'm a Rastafarian, which means that I believe in a black God called Ras Tafari who was reborn as a sign to black people. In the 1930s he was crowned king and emperor Haile Selaisse of Ethiopia, a country in Africa.
We believe some similar things to Christians, and we read parts of the Bible, but we don't believe in Jesus as the son of God. We believe that Christianity has, like, kept black people down and sort of told them that God is white and that they are inferior.
We grow our hair long in the natural way and plait it, we call these dreadlocks, and women are supposed to keep their hair covered. Bob Marley was the world's most famous Rastafarian. If you listen to some of his songs like Africa Unite you can get some idea of what we think.
We don't have a particular building or anything where we go and worship...